Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Yarn for Baby Blanket

I didn't say anything about the yarn I am using. It's Dalegarn, aka Dale of Norway yarn (good eye, Sarah). I found it in this nice little yarn shop in Berkeley called Stash. It has limited selection, but what they have is very nice. I've never used Dalegarn before, but I really like the quality of the yarns I have seen. This yarn is called Stork (very appropriate for a baby blanket, so someone knew what they were doing when they named this yarn), is 100% cotton, and cost me $5.00 a skein. I'm using (1) white, (8) pale pink, (3) pale yellow, (5) pale blue (it's green), (6) sky blue, and (7) lavender. Stash is the only yarn store in Berkeley I have access to, since it's only 3 miles away from my apartment, and I don't have a car. Yes, I walked 6 miles for yarn in 95 degree weather and I'll be doing it again next month. Ain't exercise grand?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Only die hard knitters can say they walked 3 miles each way for yarn.

(Uphill both ways. With no shoes.)