Monday, June 13, 2011

Going to Try

I'm going to try to post something everyday. Something cute or awesome or otherwise wonderful about Jamie and Renna. It's so easy to forget the wonderful little things they do and I'd like to be able to look back and read about the endearing things they did. Plus, on days when they have been trying my patience, pushing their limits, and acting out, it'll be good to take a minute to remember the sweet things they did that day.

Jamie has been screeching all day long. He's playing stories in his mind based on Scooby Doo episodes and acting them out. This is not the good thing he did today, but it is very cool to see his imagination taking off. The cute thing he did today happened when he was sitting next to Daniel. He turned to Daniel and said, "I'm sad because you're leaving soon to go home to Rachel." Aw. He loves his Uncle Daniel and has really enjoyed his light-heartedness and his easy going nature. They've had a lot of fun together.

Jamie has been acting out lately because Michael has been working all day everyday for several weeks trying to get his dissertation done. So he hasn't gotten much time with his Dada. So tonight Dada gave them their bath and is reading stories. Jamie didn't want anyone else to do anything for him, just his Dada.

Renna had her pediatrician appointment this morning. She's on the 6% for weight (22.8 lbs), 92% for height (35.5"), and 96% for head circumference (49.5 cm). So since 4 months old when she thinned out she's continuing to track 5-15% for weight, and since birth has tracked over 90% in height and 95-97% for head circumference. She freaked out when the nurse laid her down to take her height, and didn't forgive them. After getting the lollipop and sticker she was much happier.

The cute thing Renna did today happened while we were out shopping. We started to drive off from the shoe store (where they were both maniacs having lots of fun chasing each other and running around), and I turned to check for cars while backing out of the parking space and noticed Renna had this odd expression on her face. She was totally incredulous. She wasn't strapped into her car seat. So I pulled back into the space, and she got strapped in. That seemed to make her happy.

Renna is totally potty trained now, including at night and while out. She had a small accident this morning in bed. She started to pee, stopped herself and ran to the potty. The other accident she had was last week. She was sick, had a long nap and peed in her sleep. While we had her in diapers at night (for a month) she didn't use a single diaper or have a single accident. I got her to use the toilet the other day instead of the little potty, so soon enough she'll be using that instead. And we'll only have flushing to do instead of flushing and cleaning out the potty.

1 comment:

Jean in Georgia said...

Yay for potty training! That's such a big step. :) Sounds like the kids are doing great.