Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Pregnancy Loss Colorways Make a Return at Three Irish Girls

They're back!  Glimpse, You Are My Sunshine, and Love Wins are being released this month from Three Irish Girls with the profits going to SHARE as they have in the past.  (Yes, I'm a little late in posting.  I blame moving to a new house and being totally distracted by all the details.  I did, however, order my yarn the very first day!)  I cannot express how moved I was that Glimpse was being re-released.  This has been a hard year in my journey of grief, and knowing that Glimpse will again be in my hands, knitting his memory into my life and into things to be worn and seen, while he can't be seen, is a great gift of comfort.  I hope other mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters and grandmothers and grandfathers and aunts and uncles and friends can feel the same sense of closeness and comfort from Glimpse, You Are My Sunshine, and Love Wins.  I do get a Glimpse of my Sunshine.  Our Love for him does Win out over grief.  We may never cease grieving for our lost loves, whoever they were and however old they were when they left us, but we will bring them with us into the rest of our lives and never forget them.  Wearing their memory, in public or in private, is a part of the journey of life and grief.

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