Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bad Poetry

Before I heard your heart, you owned mine.
I dreamed about your face, and imagined your first smile.
I dreamed of the hours we’d spend nursing, your hand wrapped around my thumb.
I dreamed how you’d play with your brother and sister,
And the mischief you’d get into.
While I dreamed of our life together, you were already slipping away.
Before I knew you existed, you were already dying.
Some will forget you, but we never will.
You held on to our bond and grew happily, unaware of time running out.
It seems to some that you were just a dream.
But you were real to me.
You were real, and you were perfect,
And always will be.


Jean in Georgia said...

Very good poetry.

Hugs and love to you.

Bridget McGann said...

Aw Michelley! That's beautiful and you know it. And moreso that you wrote it down because that is one more thing you will have that you can hold onto forever. I wrote something for Charlie too, but I've yet to show anyone because I feel stupid. Because for me, poetry is something I largely do for myself, because a lot of things are easier to manage when you take it out of your head and put it somewhere else. It allows me to look at it with new eyes. Love and hugs, Bridget.

Stacy said...

It's perfect.

Unknown said...

Shelley, that is beautiful. I am glad that you got to have those dreams, because in a small way, you lived them as you dreamed them. And so did Charlie.


HippieDiva said...

Excellent poetry. My heart goes out to you.

Elizabeth said...

Heartbreakingly beautiful poetry.
Peace to you and yours.