I've done a lot of knitting and a lot of parenting. Jamie has been such a wonderful son and big brother. We are very proud of him. He still constantly kisses her. He gives her his toys all the time, too.
Just yesterday, Jamie gave Renna some of his blocks while she was sitting on the couch. She found one of his foam letters and was gnawing on it where she has teeth tormenting her and refusing to break through the surface. Jamie decided he wanted it, but I wanted her to have it since there are very few things that make her gums feel better. But I didn't want him to feel like he was giving her everything and not allowed to keep anything for himself. So I talked to him and told him why I wanted her to have it and asked him if it was okay if she borrowed it for a little while. He said it was okay. I then told him how proud of him I am and what a wonderful sweet smart loving boy he is and how much I love him. He was very happy. He hid his shy smile and gave me a hug. He really is an incredible child. He is so generous and giving and loving. I don't know where he got it, but I couldn't be prouder of him. Here he is hamming it up for the camera.
Tonight, Mama drew him a bath, and as I went in to get Renna undressed so she and I could join him, we noticed he had spelled out "hot" with his foam letters. Mama had asked him several times if the water was too hot, but he said no. He's been saying his ABC's for almost a month now, and he's been able to count to 10 for about month also. He could count to 5 for a month or so before that. Brilliant. Just brilliant. Here we are reading before bed with his new blanket I made him.
Renna learned to roll over, but doesn't do it much anymore. She really loves to stand and just beams when we stand her up. She babbles a ton and has said Mama and Dada a few time. She doesn't seem to like solid foods much if they're pureed. She's a long girl, too! She's stayed well above the 95th percentile for height, but is only around the 24th percentile for weight. Her teeth are constantly tormenting her, and a canine popped up, but nothing since then. The bottom teeth have been particularly horrible to her and I expect one of them to break through any day now. She likes her high chair and the two toys that are on it. She prefers to nap on me, where her nummies are, and we're still bedsharing. She's started flailing about some, so transitioning to her crib maybe in the near future. Poor Renna just had roseola. I was thinking teething, but with a very persistant 101 degree fever Mama thought roseola. Nantuition was right! The rash is almost gone now. Here she is all healthy again.
Renna's baptism was wonderful. She wore the same gown Jamie was baptized in, and this time Father Doyle was able to officiate. Mary and Chris were her godparents. Chris loved seeing her after the home games this fall, too. He's really taking his role as "The Godfatha" seriously. In choosing Mary as Godmother may have been more fitting than anticipated. She's very tall, and so far Renna seems to be taking after her. She may end up being a tall Nordic goddess like her godmother.
On the knitting front I've been pretty productive. I finished Renna's Diamonds for Rhiannon Blanket but not in time for her baptism. It turned out better than I had hoped and I'm very proud to be able to give her something so beautiful.
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