She said how cool it was, and I said, "Oh, wait, there's more." Then I showed her the front.
She liked it so much she almost cried.
And here is a gratuitous photo of my Jamie.
It's a weird photo, but it's from a project we're doing, and he just looks so happy. It's a great one of him. He has two teeth now, and still hates to sleep. He's finally letting me put him to sleep at night. Okay, it's worked exactly twice and both times were tonight. But the second time I put him down, he went a lot faster and without so much fussing, and no crying. No crying is a MAJOR improvement. Seriously, the boy hates to miss anything and wants to be in the thick of it. Anyway. He discovered the computer a month ago and LOVES it. Given any chance he tries to type on it. He bangs on the keyboard, and then looks at the screen. Seriously. It just blows me away. He knows the names of things and responds to verbal cues. Today, I said the name of his favorite toy, and he smiled and looked over at it. This whole learning thing is just too cool.
I've been knitting when possible. (HA! Like there's time for anything that isn't work.) I finished my first sock. Now on to it's mate. No photos as yet. I have the suspicion that if I take a photo of it and post on it, I'll never finish it. I have superstitions already. I really liked making it, though. I'll be making more. The main problem is the shortage of sock yarn in the area. I'll have to go into Chicago to find any sort of selection. I've also been working on my new winter scarf. I have photos, but they're way old and I've posted them before. And no self respecting blogger would repeat post. ;)